This year has been so awesome, I got to know someone who understands my book addiction. Spoils me with books, and tolerates my book sale trips. Thank you, Jefferson!

2015 isn't over yet, So I'm hoping for more book sales, more books, a library, my own bookshop and of course THE ILLUSTRATED VERSION OF HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERERS STONE (Merry Christmas Jeff! Hehehe!)
BTW, I'm into steampunk, fantasy, urban fantasy, chick lit, a few of them classic lit, historical romance, historical fantasy, all Harry Potter books, mermaid books and fairy tales.
And this is what my book collection looks like. It's not much, you really can't call it a library just yet.

And I want more more more. I'm serious.
And now on to the book sale trips.

This year I discovered an online book shop called BOOKENDS. I think this ignited and relived my book hoarding skills. Yes, that's one of my skills. Book hoarding skill at level 7/10. LOL! To continue, they have almost all the books that I ever wanted and at a very very reasonable price, most of their books are hard to find the kind that can only be bought abroad or you'd have to bid online. But, their good books are always auctioned. I only won an auction once, the other books auctioned, well instead of bidding, I was lucky enough to be given an extra copy. Sweet!
Below are some pictures, just look at that massive book selection. This, is definitely a must visit.

You may follow them on Facebook just search for Bookends Mayon/ Maricar Docyogen or visit their shop in Mayon QC, address indicated on the sale add above. ⬆️
I'm sure a lot of you know BOOKS FOR LESS, we see their stores at the mall. And of course, I would make it a point to pass by their store and browse their shelves. Like Bookends, they also have a wide selection. But I must say, not much of the book genre I like. This year I got to experience their P20 book sale, I missed it last year. Well, this year I got to go there on the first day of the month long sale, most of the books being sold are old and I mean like 20 to 30 years old old. I don't mean that in the bad way of course, old or new they are still books. I spent P800 for all the books, most of the books I got were children's book and I am happy about my book haul.
I got to admit though, I wouldn't recommend that you bring kids with you, we brought my son that day. My nom and my son stayed inside for only about a minute then went outside at the nearest resto to wait. It was extremely hot inside, the only ventilation were 2 big industrial fans, and not only was it hot but it was also very dusty. So next year, I would suggest that y'all be prepared. Bring water, fan, towel, eco bags, scrunchie for your hair and don't bring kids with you.
Their warehouse is located in Pasig, but you may find their book stalls in most SM malls.
National Book Store. Pambansang bookstore. Who among you doesn't know this? Hehe! This was also my first time to go to an NBS warehouse sale. It was epic! Epic fail! Well, the first day was an epic fail. It was terrible. My mom, my son and I got there before the store opened, good thing I spotted a parking space right away, cause we still had to fall in line in order to get in.
There was always a line, it seemed organize right?
This was the first day, I didn't know what to expect. I had no idea that it'd be dusty inside (I don't frequent warehouses 😜), but I thought, not as hot as the booksforless warehouse so it was kinda okay. But my mom and my son still didn't stay that long. So after less than an hour, they were done with the shopping, they waited for me at the department store to finish.
Now, this is what I didn't anticipate... After being inside for an hour and 30 minutes, I didn't notice the line towards the cashier was getting longer. To cut the story short, I didn't reach the cashier! I had to leave my precious books behind because it was just impossible to reach the cashier in an hour and we still had to be somewhere. Then that afternoon when I checked out my book group, some of them were ranting that they waited in line for 5 hours just to bring home the books. Wow! But some of them were happy, saying the 5 hour wait was all worth it. Good for you.
Below are some pictures taken on the first day.
I was heartbroken! So, we left. Of course I had to go back, so I did. The next day.
The next day, was kind of the same scenario, parking, waited in line...
What I did once I got inside NBS, I sort of did a speed shopping, I didn't browse so much, if I liked the book I saw I just grabbed it (it was on sale!), I grabbed as much as I could. But this time, Jeff, went with me and he just watched and guarded the line for me. Hehe! Lucky me. I finished in an hour. I was happy! There wasn't a line towards the cashier at all. The second day was way organized. That's a tip right there, go on the second day.
Last, but most definitely not the least.
Now this, I never miss for anything. I've been going here for years. And I always get free entrance tickets to MIBF, so why miss it?
Sadly, this wasn't such a good MIBF year for me. Well, only for the reason that I only was able to buy 1 book for myself. The rest was okay. So why did I only get 1 book? There were sooooooo many people, just so overwhelming and suffocating. So my family and I did the usual routine of going around and looking at all the book stalls. I was able to buy my son the books that he liked, books for christmas and other stuff. I always get books at FULLYBOOKED, this year i wasn't able to. The line was depressing. Hehe! Forgive me. NBS is always my last stop, this year they didn't have much of those books on sale that I usually get. So I just bought those colored pens for my coloring books. That was it. I really wasn't happy, I told myself this can't be. So while waiting for my mom, I went back inside NBS and was able to get THE book. I guess the best tip would be, to go on the first three days from the opening, the book fair goes on for about five days.
Forgive me for ranting. Amidst the sad news, We were able to enjoy the lunch in between breaks of the book fair. Good family bonding. I guess it wasn't so sad after all. Can't wait for next year.